
社会学 is the systematic study of societies, 组, 人与人之间的互动. As a 社区 of social scientists committed to the Christian faith, the SPU sociology faculty seek to educate you in the perspectives and methods of sociology in order to prepare you for faithful service and leadership.

The Department of 社会学’s goals are for you to develop a sociological imagination that allows you to critically apply sociological perspectives to social institutions and problems, and to learn the skills of research design, 数据收集, 数据分析. You will also explore the interrelationship between Christian faith and sociology so you can critically and faithfully apply your sociological knowledge in your work, 社区, 精神生活.

Find out more about this department’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.


Majoring in 社会学 allows you to do a systematic study of societies, 组, 人与人之间的互动. SPU graduates have obtained graduate degrees in 社会学, 然后去做律师, 从事社会工作, 进入社会政策领域, 和咨询.

  • A minimum 53 credits are required for this major, including at least 25 upper-division credits.
  • 如果你已经选择了专业 in another discipline, this major can be a good second major to complement it.
  • 这个专业为你做好准备 to apply sociological perspectives critically to social institutions and problems, and learn the skills of research design, 数据收集, 数据分析. 
  • A minimum 30 credits are required 辅修社会学, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • A minimum 30 credits are required for each version of the Anthropology minor, including 15 upper-division credits.



  • A minimum of 30 credits are required 辅修社会学.
  • A minimum of 30 credits are required 人类学辅修课程.

应用 to the Major or Minor

  • To qualify for admission to the 社会学 major, 至少要有2.5 GPA at SPU, and 15 credits of completed work in this discipline.
  • 最多10个学分 of SOC 4940 “Internship in 社会学” can apply to the major.
  • “Internship in 社会学” SOC 4940 不适用于未成年人. 
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件强烈鼓励你 to take the core courses in sequence: Introduction, Statistics, Methods, Theory, and then Capstone.
  • With the help of your major advisor, you should create a plan that includes the combination of elective courses that will best prepare you to achieve your career and life goals.
  • 应用 to this major or any of the minors 使用 Major or Minor Application form.
  • 你必须完成 the major or minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to the major or minor.

时间表: 社会学 and Anthropology


建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.



View complete descriptions of the 社会学 major and minors, and see how a degree in 社会学 or Anthropology can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.