
HSC 1000: 健康科学 Study Skills I: PreNursing Chemistry (2-6)


This course provides incoming freshmen pre-nursing students skills that support course work in the sciences, 特别是化学. It specifically addresses time management, 做笔记的技巧, 考试策略, 学习风格, and University and chemistry program resources. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

HSC 1100: Scientific Reasoning for the Health Professions (3)


The focus of this course is on the developmental practice of scientific reasoning. 在这双手的方向上, some emphasis will be placed on computation (math) and experimentation (science); however the primary focus is on the use of interpretive frameworks to respond to evidence or information in order to answer questions in the sciences. Using both individual and small group learning strategies participants will learn how to make a claim, identify data that supports the claim and determine the reliability and validity of the data.

HSC 2000: Health Science Study Skills II (2-6)


This course provides prenursing students taking Biology courses with study skills that support their coursework. The course will address 做笔记的技巧, 考试策略, and University and Biology program resources. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

HSC 3000: Issues in Women's Health (3)


Examines selected issues in women's health care in the context of women's lived experiences, including women's health care issues within the existing health care system, ways to reclaim and reshape gynocentric care for themselves, and sociopolitical activities that facilitate health care for all women. Global health care will be addressed with SPU mission to engage the culture. 不是每年都提供.

同类产品: WST 3000 属性: 上部分, 参与方式

HSC 3035:人类性学(3)


Introduces basic aspects of human sexuality: biologically how the reproductive system works; psychologically how males and females view their sexuality; and sociologically how sexual values and behavior affect the society as a whole. Christian perspectives will be related to the development of sexual values.

属性: 上部分, 参与方式 限制: 新生不包括在内.

HSC 3395: Health Care Delivery Systems (3)


Examines perspectives on differing health care philosophies and practices in the United States and other countries. Explores trends, current events, and technology. Presentations are given by health care providers and consumers from the community.

属性: 上部分

HSC 4501: Transcultural Nursing: Field Experience Abroad (2)


Prerequisite: Acceptance to 出国留学. This course is designed to guide students in studying contemporary life and health practices of the host country. Special emphasis is placed on influences of environment, people, and the interrelationships that create an ongoing action on daily living. Nursing and the role of care-giving is investigated.

属性: 上部分

HSC 4700: Issues in Global Health (3)


This course focuses on current issues in global health care as well as methods for addressing global inequities in health. Specific topics include: inter-relationships between health, poverty, and violence; development and foreign aid; forces of health disparities; and ethics, 人权, 和基督教. 可能不是每年都提供.

属性: 上部分 限制: 全球发展研究 Majors only. 新生不包括在内.

HSC 4900: 独立学习 (1-5)


独立学习 May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

属性: 上部分

HSC 4940:实习(1-5)


Internship May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

属性: 上部分

HSC 4950: Special Topics in Health Care (1-5)


Focuses on emerging and specialized topics in health care. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

属性: 上部分