


This course provides a broad overview of the criminal 正义 system in the United States. This course will introduce students to the basic structure and components of criminal 正义: policing, 法院, 还有惩教系统. A primary concern is how the criminal 正义 system balances the interests of the community, 在安全方面, 以及个人的权利, 就公民自由而言.

属性: 周社会科学

有罪的2360: Introduction to Statistics in Social and Behavioral 科学 (5)


Presents the conceptual basis and application of statistical analysis in social and behavioral research. 包括描述性统计, 相关与回归, 假设检验和推论统计. An introduction to analysis of variance and non-parametric statistics will also be provided.

同类产品: Soc 2360, psy 2360 属性: 定量推理 先决条件: (有罪的1110: C-或更好 或SOC 1110: C-或更高 或PSY 1180: C-或更好) 数学水平:B或以上 OR MAT 0145: C-或更高)



This course focuses on the nature, causes, and distribution of crime in the U.S. The first part of the course deals with definitional, 方法论的, 以及测量问题. The second part of the course focuses on the various social scientific attempts to explain criminal behavior and patterns of criminality. The third part of the course focuses more specifically on understanding particular types of criminal behavior: illegal drug use and crime, 刑事杀人, 强奸, 财产犯罪, 白领犯罪. The primary concern will be an understanding of why it is that some people (or 组) are more likely to engage in criminal behavior than others.



This course examines policing as a profession and as a social institution, exploring the structure and culture of policing and how it has been shaped historically by its socio-cultural context. The course explores the major strategies of policing and their implications for the communities they serve (e.g., communities of color, refugee and immigrant communities). The course examines issues in contemporary policing and police reforms, 重点是在城市环境中维持治安.

属性: 上部分



This course examines issues and concerns around the problem of juvenile crime. Topics covered include defining and measuring juvenile delinquency; theories of juvenile delinquency; individual, 社区, and societal explanations of delinquency; the impact of families, 学校, 同行, 社区, and gangs on juvenile crime; and how society responds to juvenile delinquency, including efforts aimed at prevention and rehabilitation.

属性: 上部分



This course covers the basic principles of criminal law such as the necessary components of a crime, 具体刑事犯罪的基本要件, and legally recognized excuses and justifications. This course will also investigate the legal procedure that accompanies the offenses both before and after arrest. 特别是, the constitutional constraints on the government investigation of crime will be examined. 主题包括搜查和扣押, 审讯和招供, 目击者辨认, 停下来搜身, 电子监控, 以及请律师的权利.

属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 限制: 新生不包括在内.



This course examines corrections as an integral part of the criminal 正义 system, 探讨监禁问题, 假释, 和试用, with a focus on prisons as the main correctional institution. The course examines the organizational structure and culture of prisons, including the social roles of prisoners and prison guards. The course examines historical and contemporary practices of punishment and rehabilitation (e.g., 大规模监禁, 死刑, 弱势群体的治疗, 单独监禁), 当代的改革.

属性: 上部分



This course introduces students to the use of Geographic Information Systems to learn how to use GIS software to map geographic features related to crime. Students will be equipped to locate and use datasets related to patterns of crime and the built environment.

同类产品: 市区3360 属性: 上部分 限制: 新生不包括在内. 先决条件: SOC 2360: D或更高 或PSY 2360: D或更好 或有罪的2360: D或更好



本课程探讨法律与法律之间的关系, 正义, 社会变革, addressing how law and 正义 intersect to impact social change. 本课程探讨法律是如何形成的, 它是形状的, 由个人, 组, 组织, 还有各级政府. The course covers theoretical approaches to the sociology of law, 法律和正义在社会中的作用, 以及对社会变革的影响.

同类产品: SOC 4250 属性: 上部分



This course will examine extreme forms of 刑事杀人: serial murder, 大规模的谋杀, 恐怖袭击, 学校枪击事件, 种族灭绝, 还有邪教杀戮. 主要的焦点将放在生物学上, 心理, and social factors that allow us to understand and explain these events.

属性: 上部分



This class provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon what they have learned in the criminal 正义 program and the significance of this knowledge for understanding contemporary issues in criminal 正义. Students will reflect on how to partner with their communities to enhance security, 正义与和解. The class will address faith and ethical perspectives to criminal 正义 and consider alternative criminal 正义 models.

属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 限制: 大一、大三、大二学生不包括在内.



Provides opportunities for students to integrate course learning in 刑事司法 with applied field experience. The internship program is designed for Junior or Senior 刑事司法 majors in good standing. Internships will be under the direction of the department internship coordinator and must be of clear relevance to criminal 正义. A minimum of 5 hours per week of field work is required for all internships. Each credit is roughly equivalent to 4 hours per week. A maximum of 10 credits may be applied to the major. 可以重复获得最多10个学分吗.

属性: 上部分 限制: 仅限刑事司法专业. 仅限初四学生.



主题会有所不同. 可以重复一次吗.

属性: 上部分