
一旦学生被斯坦福大学录取, the student should never enroll in a course at another institution without consulting an 本科学术顾问 完成一个 申请出国留学 (PDF). If the student wishes to take courses toward a major or minor, a faculty advisor’s signature will be required on the form.

Policies governing transfer of credits include the following:

  1. 这是学生的责任 to ensure that final official transcripts reflecting coursework are received by SPU.
  2. 学生可修满不超过30个学分 从其他学校录取的学生, except through approved study abroad programs or visitor programs.
  3. 没有在其他地方完成的课程 will be transferred if the student has already received credit for equivalent course(s) at SPU. (See “Zero Credit Transfer Policy,” below, for additional information.)
  4. 学生不得同时修读课程 from SPU and another institution during the regular academic year (Autumn through Spring quarters), 参加经批准的出国留学除外.
  5. 在夏天, concurrent enrollment in SPU courses and in pre-approved courses at another institution 是允许的, provided the combined credit total for the term does not exceed 20 quarter credits, the 30-credit limit on non-SPU coursework after matriculation is not exceeded, and a completed 自习表 has been submitted to the 本科学术顾问 prior to enrollment in courses at another institution.
  6. 接受的所有课程的平均成绩 每个学校的成绩必须是C (2).0)或更高. This means that for every grade of “D” accepted in transfer there must be another grade of at least B or its equivalent for an equal number of credits. Exception: For ABHE accredited institutions and for courses taken at a non-U.S. 学校,没有低于“C”的成绩.0)将被接受.
  7. 没有低于“D”的分数(1).0) 会被任何机构录取吗.
  8. 只上常规成绩的课程 (not “pass/fail” or “credit/no credit”) will be applied toward requirements in 通识教育 and toward a student's major and minor.
  9. 最低等级 可以适用于任何主要或次要的是“C-”(1).7), though some majors may require a higher grade in all or some major courses.
  10. 转副学士学位 earned after initial matriculation at SPU will not be recognized toward fulfillment of the 研究性课程, 大学核心要求, 或外语能力要求. The only exception to this policy occurs when a student participates in the 副学士学位 协议.
  11. 加起来总共有 不超过90个学分, 会被所有两年制大学录取吗, 认可的考试项目(如AP), CLEP, IB)和未经认证的学校. 适用于首次入读SPU的学生, 现有的华盛顿, Oregon, and California community-college associate degree transfer 协议s will be honored as they apply to 通识教育 requirements.
  12. 不超过45个学分 will be accepted for international 13th year coursework or exams, 认可的测试程序(如AP), CLEP, 和IB), 通过考试获得SPU学分.
  13. 学分超过20分 在任何一个学期内都不会转学. 这包括媒体同时选修的课程, 对应, 或者在一个以上的机构延期, 以及非学分课程.
  14. 要获得学位资格, an undergraduate transfer student is required to earn a minimum of 45 credits in residence at SPU, including no fewer than 15 upper-division credits in his or her major (more, 如果由专业指定). 请参阅个别专业了解额外的学位要求.
  15. 通过考试获得SPU学分 does not count toward the minimum 45 credits in residence.
  16. 学分将不会被 转到体验式学习.


如果学生在SPU的一门课程中获得学分(即, 这门课的成绩是“P”, or with a “D” grade or better) the student may not take an equivalent course elsewhere and transfer the course to SPU for credit, 因为:

  • A student may not receive credit for the same academic content twice, and
  • Credit for an SPU course cannot be rescinded and replaced by a course from another institution.

通常, when a student earns credit in an SPU course with a grade too low to fulfill a particular degree requirement, 该学生在西雅图州立大学重修该课程. 然而, occasionally a student is unable to repeat the class at SPU. 在这种情况下, the student may request from his or her academic department the option of completing the course at another institution and transferring the course to SPU with no credit awarded, 这个过程赌博十大靠谱软件称之为“零信用转账”." 

The student's academic department is not obligated to agree to the student's request. 然而, 如果学术部门同意允许这个选项, 以下步骤必须完成:

  • The student will work with his or her faculty advisor and 本科学术顾问 to identify a comparable course at a regionally-accredited institution.
  • The student will submit to the 本科学术顾问 a 自习表 that has been completed by the student and the faculty advisor.
  • Once the student has completed the pre-approved course at the other institution, the student will request that an official transcript be sent to the 本科学术顾问 in Student Academic Services.
  • 收到正式成绩单后, the academic counselor will transfer the course with a grade but no credit, then notify the faculty advisor that the course can be viewed in the student's records in the Banner Information System.
  • The faculty advisor will determine whether or not the grade received for the transfer course is acceptable to fulfill the SPU degree requirement, and will communicate this to the student and the academic counselor.
  • The faculty advisor also will update the student's major or minor degree checklist in Banner with a comment indicating that the transferred course substitutes for the appropriate SPU requirement.

Through this process, the student proves adequate proficiency in the course material. The grade and credit for the original SPU course will remain a part of the SPU grade point average and academic record.