Non-Matriculated Students

If you are not seeking a degree at 西雅图 Pacific, but wish to take courses, you may be able to do so as a non-matriculated student. Below are 政策 related to non-matriculated students:

  • There is no application fee to become non-matriculated.
  • If a student decides to pursue a degree or certificate program at SPU, he or she is required to go through the normal admissions process.
  • No more than 45 credits taken as a non-matriculated student may apply toward an undergraduate degree.
  • No more than 15 such credits may be applied to a post-baccalaureate degree.
  • The maximum credit load per quarter is 18 credits.
  • 登记 for non-matriculated students takes place after matriculated students have had a chance to register. 登记 dates for non-matriculated students are listed in the Academic 日历.
  • By enrolling in undergraduate courses at SPU, students agree to comply with the expectations, 政策, and procedures in the Student Handbook, 包括 Student Standards of Conduct.
  • Non-matriculated students are not eligible to receive financial aid and will pay regular tuition for courses on a per-credit basis.
  • 退伍军人 may not be able to receive 好处 through the G.I. 比尔®.
  • Non-matriculated international students who are non-native 英语 speakers* are required to submit an acceptable official 英语 proficiency test score to Student Academic Services in Demaray大厅 151, in additional to submitting other required documentation related to non-immigrant status to International Student Services.
  • Non-matriculated international students must pay for their courses at the point of registration.
  • Non-matriculated students are not eligible to participate in clubs or student government organizations.

GI 比尔® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人 Affairs (VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at: www.好处 / gibill.

To register as a non-matriculated student, complete the 登记 Form for Non-Matriculated Students (PDF) and submit to Student Academic Services (SAS) to be processed.

This form asks for directory information, your social security number, your date of birth, requested courses, and your signature. It is important to indicate all current contact information so that the student may receive information from SPU departments. The University will review the completed form to determine whether you will be permitted to take courses as a non-matriculated student.

Course offerings can be found in the 时间表. Students should note that some courses may not be available to non-matriculated students and/or that some courses may have registration restriction or required prerequisites.

*SPU considers an international student to be a native 英语 speaker if both their primary and secondary education took place in Australia, Canada (other than Quebec), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或者是美国.S. (other than Puerto Rico).