Founded by John and 维拉·梅。 珀金斯

Founder of 林业局部委

John 珀金斯 and his family have been ministering among the poor for more than 50 years. In 1960, 珀金斯, 他的妻子, 维拉·梅。, and their children left a successful life in California and moved back to Mendenhall, 密西西比州, 开始事工.

12年内, they had helped start a day care center, 一个青年项目, 一个教堂, an adult education program, 合作农场, 旧货店, a housing-repair ministry, 还有一个健康中心. 今天, 林业局部委 thrives under the leadership of Scottye Holloway, ThD, its seventh president.

Founder of Voice of Calvary Ministries

In 1972, the 珀金斯 family moved to Jackson, 密西西比州, where they founded Voice of Calvary Ministries — another Christian community development ministry. Voice of Calvary Ministries started 一个教堂, 健康中心, a leadership development program, 旧货店, low-income housing development, 还有一个培训中心. 从这个部门, other development projects started in the neighboring towns of Canton, 新希伯仑, 和爱德华兹. 菲利普K. 里德, the previous pastor of Voice of Calvary Fellowship, has assumed the leadership of this ministry.

Founder of Harambee Christian Family Center

In 1982, the 珀金斯 family founded Harambee Christian Family Center 在帕萨迪纳西北部, California — in a neighborhood with one of the highest daytime crime rates in California. 20多年后, Harambee is running numerous programs including after-school tutoring, 福音圣经俱乐部, an award-winning technology center, 夏令营, youth internship programs, and a college scholarship program. Derek 珀金斯, son of John and 维拉·梅。, now serves as executive director of this organization.

Co-founder and Chairman of the Christian 社区 Development Association

In 1989, John 珀金斯 called together a group of Christian leaders from across America. The leaders were bonded by one significant commitment — expressing the love of Christ in America’s poor communities, 不能保持距离, but at the grassroots level.

An association was formed — the Christian 社区 Development Association (CCDA). It held its first conference in Chicago in 1989. CCDA has grown from 37 founding members to 6,800 individuals and 600 churches, 部门, 机构, and businesses in more than 100 cities and towns across the country.

的出版商 城市家庭 杂志

In 1992, John 珀金斯 began publishing 城市家庭 杂志 in response to the breakdown of the urban family, the breakdown of the community, and the increasing violence within the inner city. 城市家庭的 mission was to be a voice of hope and progress, offering solutions that emphasize responsibility, 确认的尊严, 建立道德品质, and encourage reconciliation.

The circulation quickly rose from 13,000 to 35,000年全国, and was expected to increase to 100,三年内可达1000万. This 杂志 name was changed to a more appropriate reconciliation title, the 调解人奖学金. 不幸的是, after the untimely death of the 珀金斯’ eldest son Spencer 珀金斯 in January 1998 (who also served as editor-in-chief of this 杂志), its publication was discontinued in the fall of 1998.

Founder of Harambee Preparatory School

1995年秋天, John 珀金斯 founded the Harambee Preparatory School (HPS), a fully endowed elementary school providing quality education to prepare neighborhood children for college. HPS desires to see the children of poverty-level homes receive quality academic training in a secure and loving environment.