Seminary Story: Christal Jenkins Tanks

I grew up in Vancouver, Washington. In high school I ran a Bible study during lunches, bringing in pastors from all over to speak. At the University of Washington, I also led a Bible study called Women of Excellence. After my freshman year, I l和ed a marketing job with Hewlett Packard. It was my first experience in corporate, 和 I fell in love with it.

After graduation, I got a job at Tegic, a company that developed predictive-text input software. I was doing great things, but what I enjoyed more was being able to challenge people to see their purpose in life, something I was able to do on the board of directors for YWCA. In addition to my professional 和 community endeavors, I've authored two books — Discovering the True Love Within生活! Speaking Life to Your Dry Bones, 和 co-authored one, 上帝疯狂的自由.


I wanted to go to grad school, but didn't know whether to do an MBA or a master's in theology. I had the corporate experience. I'd done the ministry thing. Now I had to choose which to go with for the rest of my life.

As I was Googling schools, I came across 西雅图 Pacific University, 和 saw the Business 和 Applied Theology program. I always felt there shouldn't be a separation between faith 和 work. I had told God, "You made me this way. Why do I have to choose?"

I applied to the program, 和 a few weeks later I got laid off from my job. A few days after that, I was accepted into the program. I sensed God telling me, "Don't worry. 我帮你搞定."


The "Abbey" component has been a high point for me — the community aspect helps when you're in a place where you're highly vulnerable, where many of the things you've learned in your life are being challenged (not in a bad way). You're with people from all walks of life, but everyone is growing.

Another high point has been the relationship between professors 和 students. Doug 和 Cindy Strong were like parents to all of us. They genuinely cared about what was going on in our lives. 克里迪尔伯恩's class opened my eyes to "creation care," the main motivation for my MBA emphasis in social 和 sustainable enterprise.

I tell everybody, "You ought to come to SPS, but be prepared for a challenge." That first year was tough, but you don't know what you're made of until it's challenged. I applaud SPS for bringing business into a seminary setting 和 helping us see Jesus in everything we're learning.


劳拉Shigeta, MDiv '26


科迪Sugai, MA-Theology — Christian Min. '23