
SPU students walk across campus together on a sunny fall day

的 历史系 at SPU presents students with the opportunity not only to 研究 历史,但是 do 历史. With course offerings that span the globe and time spectrum, our classes rigorously engage with the most challenging issues that society faces 今天, 比如种族主义, 种族灭绝, and the forced displacement of people. Our classes prepare students for a wide variety of careers as they learn strong analytical and research techniques and gain the skill of effective written and oral communication. Students have the benefit of interacting closely with professors both inside and outside the classroom through collaborating on research projects, ongoing book group discussions, 出国留学, 和更多的. In all these settings, students learn to ask probing questions and to seek nuanced responses. One feature that sets the SPU 历史系 apart is our focus in training students how to apply what they learn in History classes, whether they are teaching 历史, working in a museum, crafting public policy, or building a social and moral imagination. As the cornerstone of our work, we rely on the lens of Christian faith to help us consider how to move into a hopeful future.  

museum of science and industry


博物馆研究 Track supplements the History major core with coursework that helps you prepare for graduate 研究 and employment in the field of museum studies and public 历史. (Photo courtesy of Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI).)

Female student on the Fremont Bridge in 西雅图, near SPU

Equipping You to Succeed

In collaboration with the 就业中心 and 调用 (CCC), your 历史 professors will provide oversight of your professional development within the program to help you identify and pursue the career path that will actualize your gifts and passions. Located in 西雅图, SPU is uniquely positioned to take advantage of a multitude of internship opportunities in collaboration with leading corporations, governmental agencies and nonprofits to provide you with vital skills and work experience, laying the necessary foundation for success after graduation. 的 CCC helps you network, meet potential employers, explore different job sites, and secure local internships.