Advancing Our Enduring Purpose

核心主题1: Academic excellence 和 relevance

通过高质量的, 资源充足的, 和 distinctive academic programs that attract high-quality students, 教师, 和工作人员, pursuing pedagogical 和 technological innovation, 西雅图 Pacific University will work to foster academic rigor 和 global 和 intercultural competency to prepare students for 今天’s complex society.

Image showing students focusing on a lecture


  • Building on a liberal arts foundation, foster the capacity of students to articulate discipline-specific knowledge 和 apply essential skills.
  • Foster global 和 intercultural competencies 和 knowledge necessary to further function, engage, 和 lead effectively in 今天’s complex society.
  • Utilize leading 和 innovative pedagogical practices, 技术工具, 交付方法, 和 program structure 和 design to provide an effective, 非常高效。, 和 accessible student-学习ing experience.
Right image showing the SPU Nickerson studio building, 和 right image showing three women lifting a floor for the tent city

左: Nickerson Studios, SPU’s newest performance space, seats about 100 people for intimate concerts. Behind the scenes, sound technicians can record events with state-of-the-art 技术. 正确的: SPU students help at Tent City 3, a unique opportunity for students, 教师, 和工作人员 to care for — 和 学习 from — our neighbors.


  • SPU community members 服务学习 from homeless community members sheltered in Tent City 3 when it is hosted on campus, including in 2012 和 2015 — 和 again November 2017–February 2018.
  • The Center for Scholarship 和 Faculty Development 开始资助 Innovation Fund seed grants during the 2014–15 school year. Since then projects have explored ways to gamify science, 技术, engineering 和 math classes, 数字素养, 和更多的.
  • 阅读更多 响应 对的方法 SPU的教员 不断创新 in 和 outside the classroom.
  • 西雅图 Pacific undergraduate 和 graduate programs are known for academic excellence: 

    西雅图 Pacific has a student-to-professor ratio of 14:1. Our professors know their students by name.

    or more of SPU applicants are consistently accepted to graduate health programs, which is far above the national average.

    of SPU’s 教师 have the highest degree possible in their fields. Students 学习 from the best.

    of SPU students made it to the finalist round in the past three years for the Fulbright grant­ — due in part to intentional 教师 coaching.

two women studying 和 experimenting with small physics mechanisms

Teaching the 学习ing of science

多年来, SPU’s Physics Department has researched the teaching 和 学习ing of science, funded by National Science Foundation grants. Now the findings have branched out into many classrooms 和 school districts, benefiting elementary, 中间, 和 high school students.

给 to 西雅图 Pacific

Your gift helps build 和 maintain SPU as a national, premier university committed to excellent scholarship 和 life-changing Christian community. 


Meet the people who make up the 西雅图 Pacific community in stories written by SPU students, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友. You’ll also find the online version of the award-winning 响应 杂志.